
Moving Missouri Forward

One word sums up our Missouri legislature… dysfunctional. Billionaire special interests and high-priced lobbyists, pull all the strings. I’m Ron Odenthal and with your help, we can cut those strings.

They are terrified the voice of the people might be heard. They want to make it nearly impossible for a majority of Missourians to pass initiative petitions. They’ve banned abortions in Missouri even to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape and incest. They’re rolling back child labor laws and refusing to end child marriages.

Meanwhile Missouri retains the horrible reputation as the puppy mill capital of the nation, our teachers the lowest paid, carjackings and shootings on the rise. Insurance rates are skyrocketing, small businesses struggling, and working families find it ever more difficult to make ends meet.

I’ve had enough. I’m running to restore sanity to Jefferson City, defend our rights, and move Missouri forward. If you can help, please use the donate button or QR code below. You can also go to our volunteer page for other ways to make a difference. Thank you! –Ron Odenthal

Protect Our Right To Petition

Missourians enjoy the right to petition for proposed Constitutional Amendments to be put before the voters. The House and Senate want to make it much harder to pass such initiative petitions. I believe in the will of the people and keeping the power in your hands.

Restore Women’s Reproductive Rights

Missouri has a radical near ban on abortion even in cases involving the life of the mother, rape, or incest. I respect the personal healthcare decisions of women. They also want to stop the availability of Plan B and have already voted to defund Planned Parenthood.

Support Our First Responders

Our firefighters, EMTs, and police officers protect our homes and families. I will always have their back and support funding for the best training and equipment to keep us safe. I want to make sure St. Charles County remains a safe place to live, work, and raise a family.

Help Our Children to Succeed

We must provide the quality education and well-paid teachers to set our children up for success. Too many current members of the Missouri General Assembly want to gut child labor laws and support child marriages. We need to protect children from being exploited.

Get Missouri’s Economy Moving

Attracting business and industry while helping existing businesses to grow means more economic prosperity. It starts with workforce development, promoting our state, and investing in innovation. It means supporting labor to strengthen the middle-class.

Rebuild Missouri Infrastructure

St. Charles County is one of the fastest growing counties in Missouri and an economic engine for the state. More of the tax dollars we pay should come home to ease traffic issues and spur greater investment. I’ll work with our county delegation and cities to make that happen.


1029 Jefferson Street
Saint Charles, MO 63301


(314) 518-3614

Paid for by Odenthal4MO, Don Crozier Treasurer